Every parent could use some support and assistance of someone trained and trusted to help them along the way. Voluntary in-home parent support, or home visiting programs, help young children and their families thrive.
Find the Free In-Home Family Support Program that’s right for your family below:
- Maternity Case Management: Pregnant Persons
- MOMS Program: Pregnant Persons
- Healthy Families Oregon: Pregnant Persons & children 0-3y
- Early Head Start: Pregnant Persons & children 0-3y
- Babies First!: Pregnant Persons & children 0-5y
- Early Intervention / Early Childhood Special Education: children 0-5y
- CaCoon: children & youth 0-21y
- Coastal Families Relief Nursery: children 1-3y
- Kairos: youth 4-18y
- Family Support & Connections: Families with children 0-18y
- ODHS: Self Sufficiency: Pregnant Persons & Families with children 0-18y
Maternity Case Management’s goal is to lower risks for women and their babies, making sure they obtain prenatal care. Through this program, nurses help pregnant persons, living in Coastal Douglas, who have life situations that could lead to problems with their pregnancies or childbirth. Nurses conduct prenatal and postpartum (after the baby is born) home visits.
Call 541-440-3622 for enrollment information.
MOMS Program
MOMS (Management of Maternity Services) is a free program serving all who plan to deliver a baby at Bay Area Hospital. Specially trained registered nurses work with you & your family during your pregnancy & after your baby is home to help you feel comfortable with your experience and the care & feeding of your newborn.
For your one-on-one appointment, please call 541-269-8258.
Healthy Families Oregon
Offering home visiting new baby support that stays with you through the first three years, HFO focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship to assure healthy child growth and development through free coaching sessions. Open to all age eligible families regardless of income.
For Enrollment information call:
- Coastal Douglas Services: 541-440-3642
- Coos & Curry Services: (541) 266-3977
Early Head Start
A variety of EHS services are available throughout Coos, Curry & Coastal Douglas Counties to expecting families and children up to age 3. Through in-home services, you receive weekly visits to support you as your child’s primary teacher. Playgroups are offered twice a month for family and baby/child. Children may transition to Head Start preschool services at age 3 and receive services through age 5.
Application information can be found by calling their office at 541-888-3717, on-line on their website or find them on Facebook.
Babies First!
Babies First! offers services to pregnant persons and families with babies and young children up to 5 years with OHP coverage. In partnership with families, nurses & certified community health workers offer a range of services such as: problem solving, reduce stress, connect you with services; serve as your personal parenting coach to strengthen & expand your skills; helping you support your child’s growth & development; & providing periodic screenings.
For enrollment information call:
- Coastal Douglas: 541-440-3622
- Coos County: 541-266-6726
Early Intervention / Early Childhood Special Education
The South Coast ESD EI/ECSE Program provides screening, assessment and special education services in Coos, Curry & Western Douglas Counties to children from birth to kindergarten age that demonstrate a significant developmental delay or disability in one or more areas of development (eg. communication, cognitive, motor). There is no cost for EI/ECSE services to families.
Contact 541-266-3915 to start your referral.
CaCoon provides “CAre COordinatiON” for children (birth to 21 years of age) with special health needs and their families. CaCoon nurses partner with you to: become as independent as possible in caring for your child; identify ways to maximize your child’s potential at home, school & as part of the community; link you to specialty care & resources; be your support & advocate; coordinate with partners for effective care; & prepare for the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare, work & independence.
For enrollment information call:
- Coastal Douglas: 541-440-3622
- Coos County: 541-266-6726
Coastal Families Relief Nursery
Coastal Families Relief Nursery provides voluntary no cost early childhood education in Coos County by combining the benefits of a therapeutic classroom experience with home visiting support services for families with children 1 to 3 years of age. The Relief Nursery is located in Coos Bay & open to families in any zip-code.
For additional information about the services available, please call: 541-252-0868
Kairos Coastline Services
Kairos Coastline Community Skills Training services provides Coos County youth, ages 4-18 with a one-on-one coach who helps build skills in schools, home, and/or in the community. Wraparound Coordinators, Peer & Family Support Specialist, and a psychiatric day treatment program are available as well for in person and virtual support.
For additional information about the services available, please call 541-267-3511.
Family Support & Connections
FS&C visits are designed to strengthen families and support effective parenting to families receiving TANF & SNAP benefits, with children birth through 18 years of age in the home. This family designed program focuses on keeping families together and helping you achieve your individual & family goals.
For more information call:
- Coastal Douglas: 541-345-3628 x311
- Coos & Curry Services: 541-435-7080 x248
ODHS Self-Sufficiency Supports
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provides a monthly cash benefit to pregnant persons and families with children 0-18y in the home who meet income limits. This program provides cash that families can use to pay for things they need while they work toward supporting themselves.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly food benefits for income eligible individuals to help you buy healthy food. This program helps people pay for groceries, learn about nutrition, and get job training and support.
To learn more or to apply by phone:
- Coastal Douglas – Florence Office: 541-997-8251
- Coastal Douglas – Roseburg Office: 541-440-3301
- Coos County: 541-808-6155
- Curry County: 541-247-7036
Need additional resources?
Visit 211 to get help paying bills, finding food, and locating other resources near you.